Professional Indemnity Insurance

At Insurewise, we along with most others within the insurance industry, have seen first hand the increase in allegations around breaches of professional duty and if your company offers a professional service then it’s not immune.

The consequences of such allegations can be financially and personally disastrous without the right protection and yet Professional Indemnity Insurance is often repeatedly overlooked as a core cover.

At Insurewise we handle Professional Indemnity Insurance for any business clients who are at increased risk of potential liability arising out of the provision of professional service, such as accountants, solicitors, architects and estate agents.

Defence costs are included within a standard Professional Indemnity policy arranged by Insurewise for good reason. You may be certain that you’re not liable for any wrongdoing, but the defence costs involved in evidencing this can still be very expensive and can be a drain on you and your business.

With a team dedicated to handling this specific protection, we have a wealth of experience in many professional sectors. By allowing us to arrange your Professional Indemnity Insurance, you’re less likely to have to use your hard-earned revenue to fund legal costs around claims against you and any awards that ensue.