Supporting Nene Valley Racers

Insurewise always prides itself on supporting local clubs and sporting activities including community events.  We are really excited to announce we have sponsored and donated a start/finish running arch to Nene Valley Racers.

Pictured are Matt Snow and Janine Buck of Nene Valley Races with Neil McCulloch Managing Director of Insurewise in front of the new arch.

Pictured (l/r) Neil McCulloch (Insurewise Managing Director), Janine Buck and Matt Snow (Nene Valley Racers)

The Nene Valley Racers enjoy regular meets working towards 10 and 20 mile trail running races around the beautiful Northamptonshire countryside.  If you would like to find out more about the group, click here

Neil McCulloch (Managing Director, Insurewise)

Good Luck with the new arch and we look forward to seeing pictures of the finishing line banner at future events.


Neil McCulloch

Managing Director