Under current UK government guidelines, it is now compulsory to wear a face covering to protect yourself and others.
So why not take the opportunity to get an Insurewise branded face mask? Not only is it practical and comfy, it is also stylish, branded with the Insurewise logo. It’s easy to carry around with you at all times too.

You have an opportunity to receive one of 5 Insurewise face masks we’re giving away in our simple Facebook prize draw.
If you don’t already follow Insurewise on Facebook to keep informed about our latest news and activities you can find us on Facebook by clicking here @InsurewiseLtd.
Then, once you’ve found the recent post launching our new face mask, like and share (comment too if you wish) and you will have an opportunity to receive one these useful, coveted items.
Let Insurewise keep you safe.
Good luck!
Managing Director